Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Can I be any more clear?

Ok, another strange source for a blog...the movie "Space Jam."

I was being ridiculed by a co worker on my very caucasian appearance...how white I am. My youngest son and I share this quality. We can go out on a cloudless night and get a moon burn. It reminded me (so I reminded my co-worker) of the scene in Space Jam when Michael Jordan, Larry Bird and Bill Murray are golfing, just before Michael is pulled down the golf hole. This is to the best of my recollection how it went...

Bill: The NBA must face reality. What's happening is serious. They're going to need new players with talent. Skilled guys who never really thought about a professional career. Think I got a shot?
Mike: Come on, really?
Bill: Don't kid.
Mike: lt's a man's game. You can't play.
Bill: What if l tried hard?....lt's because l'm white.
Mike: No. Larry's white. So what?
Bill: Larry's not white. Larry's clear

Without thinking about it, I thought to myself, "man, I wish we'd ALL be clear..." Here's what I mean.

Recently, I have had quite a misunderstanding with someone from another country I have considered to be a good friend. She has suddenly become angry with me and seems to not want to tell me why. We had a long chat a couple weeks ago that I thought brought clarity and understanding to the situation, but even since then, her wrath has again built up against me. We have exchanged a couple of emails, but have not gotten to the root of the problem.

Ponder this...we often cover over our real feelings, or stuff them down inside ourselves, so we can avoid difficult topics and situations and not have the potential of confrontation. Why, confrontation could lead to words being said and feelings being hurt, after all. But isn't that what happens anyway? When we stuff stuff, and not say what we mean, feelings still get hurt and issues still go unresolved and friendships (even marriages) end over this kind of lack of communication.

The Bible encourages us to share with one another from the heart and to speak the truth in love (Eph 4:15, 25). We are to speak words that will edify and give grace to the hearer (Eph 4:29). We have to discover 2 very important spiritual gifts...tact and diplomacy. Then we have to pray for God's wisdom to be able to share with someone in such a way that the topic is addressed, and feelings are only hurt by the truth of God's word, as it exposes our hearts for what they really are. Or, as I say in the chatroom often, that we "cover our bricks with velvet to soften the blow." The situations of life and the interpersonal issues feel like bricks when we encounter them, especially from the lips of another person. As we learn to wrap those hard truths in the grace that God offers us, they come across in a much more palatable way. Never are we to sacrifice truth at the altars of political correctness or convenience. We should never side step an issue just because it might be difficult to resolve. God has the resources necessary to help us take on the interpersonal issues, explain them as clearly as possible and do it in with a spirit that pleases Him. The fruit of the Spirit includes aspects of kindness, gentleness, patience and selfcontrol. Paul also wrote in Eph 5:13; "But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light." This means that when we measure our thoughts, words and deeds against the measuring stick of God's Word, we see them for what they are, and then clarity can come from the truth.

We have to be committed to praying fervently about our interaction with others. We have to be committed to speaking the truth in a time and situation appropriate for that sharing. Then we have to be committed to mixing those words with truth and grace, so even though the words may be tough to hear, God has already been at work in the hearts of those we're sharing with. When God is at work, the words are received and the clear and present truth can be acted upon...issues can be resolved and hearts can begin the process of being healed.

Being clear is tough..anatomically and relationally. But God is there to help us when we need Him and has allowed man to invent SPF 212 for when moonburn is imminent.


At 9:10 PM, Blogger marybeth said...

from one clear (caucasian) person to another, may i give you a resounding AMEN?

clarity is in short supply these days...


At 3:40 PM, Blogger gg said...

Friends tell friends the TRUTH, and not just what they want to hear. I personally think we aren't being true friends if that doesn't come across. That said, I will never tire of the "velvet brick" analogy. May we continue to speak the truth in love, even when it is difficult.


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